
Nations is committed to becoming a leading provider of security IoT products and solutions in China. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guomin Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300077), the company has a registered capital of 220 million yuan and is a national high-tech enterprise with core independent intellectual property rights. Adhering to the concept of embedding security genes into "everything interconnected," the company provides customers with reliable, secure, and cost-effective IoT products, solutions, and services. The products provided by the company include various types of national security chips, high-security Bluetooth SIM cards, secure smart door lock and motherboard solutions, secure smart meter motherboard solutions, IoT platform systems, industrial IoT security clouds, and SaaS services, government-guaranteed housing intelligent management systems and cloud SaaS services, apartment intelligent management systems and cloud SaaS services, and overall smart community products and solutions. The company's products have been widely used in the smart home industry and serve government and enterprise customers in construction, transportation, public security, and other fields.
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