
Monec is a Sino-foreign joint venture specializing in the production of frequency components and resistor products. Located in the coastal city of Zhuhai, the company is situated in the heart of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, with convenient transportation. With over one hundred employees, the company has an annual turnover of over fifty million RMB. The company boasts advanced domestic crystal production lines, with an annual output of 50 million pieces of 49S/SMD crystals and 50 million resistor networks. Since its establishment in 2004, Monec has been committed to becoming a leading domestic provider of frequency component solutions, continuously developing and keeping pace with the times, striving to improve product quality and customer service. The company obtained ISO9001 quality management system certification in 2006 and possesses advanced testing instruments and experimental means to ensure product quality and environmental requirements. In 2017, the company established a new factory and founded Zhongshan Monec Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. in Zhongshan Port, Guangdong. The factory was built to domestic first-class standards and has been put into use, further improving the company's production environment.
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