
Minos established in 2010 and headquartered in Shenzhen, is a technology company specializing in semiconductor research, design, production, and sales. Its products are widely used in the fields of inverters, UPS, energy storage, photovoltaics, battery protection boards, power amplifiers, audio systems, adapters, consumer electronics, and more. Minos has established a research and development center in Shenzhen and set up a power device testing and application laboratory. This laboratory is mainly responsible for product design verification, reliability verification, system analysis, failure analysis, and other tasks by introducing the most advanced semiconductor technology from both domestic and international sources. The company adopts HV MOSTRENCH MOS, DOUBLE TRENCH MOS, and IGBT process technologies to provide customers with high-performance power device products. Our power devices can meet various working conditions, including high voltage, high current, high temperature, etc., to provide customers with efficient and reliable solutions.
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