
MatrixOpto is a high-tech enterprise founded by a team of overseas returnees. We are dedicated to the development and production of compound semiconductor magnetic sensor chip modules, filling the gap in the domestic market. Our goal is to provide efficient and cost-effective semiconductor chip products and solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in industrial control, smart terminals, smart cities, and automotive electronics. We follow a vertically integrated model (IDM) from chip design to manufacturing, covering the entire industry chain including epitaxial material growth, chip design, wafer processing, packaging testing, and reliability testing. The company has obtained IATF16949 certification for the automotive industry, as well as ISO9001 quality management system certification. Our product performance has been tested and certified by leading domestic manufacturers. Over 70% of our employees have a bachelor's degree or higher, and we have applied for over a hundred patents. With excellent technological innovation capabilities, MatrixOpto is recognized as an "Integrated Circuit Production Enterprise" by four ministries of the Chinese government. We are also listed as a high-tech enterprise in Jiangsu Province, participating in the Jiangsu Provincial Technology Enterprise Listing Program. Additionally, we are recognized as an innovative team enterprise in Jiangsu Province and a science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise. We undertake multiple national and provincial research projects. We have also been included in the Suzhou Unicorn Cultivation Program. MatrixOpto strives to become a world-leading manufacturer of sensing chips, guided by the principles of integration, intelligence, innovation, and excellence.
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