LYNN POWER is a professional manufacturer of high-reliability switching power supplies. We specialize in research, development, production, sales, and service. Our product range includes AC-DC conventional switching power supplies, DC-DC conventional switching power supplies, LED waterproof driver switching power supplies, GLE ultra-thin series power supplies, open-frame switching power supplies, communication power supplies, power power supplies, module power supplies, DIN rail switching power supplies, adapter power supplies, laser power supplies, and custom-made switching power supplies. We offer a wide range of output power from 1W to 2000W, with nearly 1600 different specifications. Our diverse product range provides great convenience for our customers in selecting the right power supply and saves them on the costs of choosing. Currently, our company has nearly 200 employees, including 35 R&D and quality control personnel, with over 70 individuals holding bachelor's degrees or above. Our operating area spans 8000 square meters and is equipped with production facilities such as wave soldering, reflow soldering, automated production lines, and high-temperature aging chambers. We also possess various power supply testing instruments, including TEK oscilloscopes, current amplifiers, high-voltage testers, and power supply comprehensive testers. Additionally, we have component testing instruments such as transistor testers and digital bridges. With these resources, we are capable of producing one million units of various types of switching power supplies annually.
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