LNLON was established in October 2003. It is a privately-owned joint-stock enterprise that specializes in the research, production, and marketing of micro motor series products. Our company is located in the Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone in China. It covers an area of over 35,000 square meters with a building area of over 30,000 square meters. The total investment is 150 million yuan. We mainly produce flat, SMD, linear, N20 reduction, and stepper expansion series micro motors, with an annual production capacity of over 240 million units. We have introduced production and testing equipment from both domestic and international sources. We implement modern management practices in our production and operation, strictly controlling them in accordance with the ISO9001:2015 international quality management system and ISO14000:2015 environmental system. This ensures the superior quality and stability of our products. From the beginning, we have placed great emphasis on building a positive corporate culture. With the management philosophy of "practical innovation, broad vision," we have gradually adopted scientific and modern management models, forming our own distinctive core competitiveness. This has laid the foundation for our transformation from an emerging player in the industry to a leading company. We are based in China but have a global outlook. We have obtained the right to operate import and export activities and have developed a substantial marketing network. We have established good partnerships with several mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei, Vivo, OPPO, and Lenovo in both international and domestic markets. In 2005, we were recognized as a "high-tech enterprise," and in 2006, we were awarded the title of "high-tech product (micro motor) export base enterprise" by the Chongqing Municipal Government, making us one of the 52 export base enterprises in Chongqing. To achieve the goal of sustainable business operations, we adhere to the principles of "excellent quality, customer satisfaction." We prioritize the interests of our customers and employees, and brand operation is our strategic focus. We are determined to make the necessary contributions to the development of the micro motor industry as LNLON employees.
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