Lewa Micro

Lewa Micro is headquartered in Shanghai and has branch offices in Shenzhen and Wuxi. We are an advanced semiconductor design company that specializes in the research, development, design, and sales of MOS, LDO, and MCU products. We are recognized as a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai. Our main MOS product categories include high-voltage VDMOS (900-1500V series), medium-low voltage trench MOS (20V-250V NMOS; -20V to -40V PMOS), and medium-low voltage SGT-MOS (-100V-150V). We also offer LDOs (with high PSRR, low IQ, high input voltage, and large output current) as well as MCU series products. Lewa Micro leverages advanced wafer production platforms both domestically and internationally. We collaborate with outstanding packaging and testing platforms such as Changjiang, Jieming, and Jiequn, continuously innovating and developing a range of high-reliability products for applications in industrial control, medical, PC/servers, consumer electronics, communication power supplies, inverters, photovoltaics, IoT, and automotive electronics. We are committed to continuously improving technological innovation, providing excellent performance and stable quality to serve customers worldwide.
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