China Lesso is a large domestic building materials and home furnishings industry group. Its business covers sectors such as pipes, building materials and home furnishings, environmental protection, supply chain service platforms, and photovoltaic new energy. The company's products include pipes, photovoltaic new energy, sanitary ware, integrated kitchens, integrated doors and windows, aluminum formwork materials and intelligent climbing frames, water purification equipment, waterproofing and sealing adhesives, fire-fighting equipment, valves, wires and cables, lighting, sanitary materials, environmental protection, agricultural facilities, and marine aquaculture nets. In 2021, the group's operating income reached 32.058 billion RMB. With the advancement of internationalization and globalization, China Lesso has established over 30 advanced production bases distributed across 18 provinces in China and overseas countries. China Lesso continuously improves its strategic layout, expands its sales network, and explores market opportunities, enabling the company to provide timely and efficient products and services to customers.
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