Shanghai Yidian Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd. is a key shareholder enterprise under Shanghai Yidian (Group) Co., Ltd. Its predecessor was Shanghai Leici Instruments Factory. "Leici" is the independent brand of Shanghai Yidian Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd., founded in 1940. It is the birthplace of China's pH meters and glass electrodes, as well as an important origin of domestic analytical instruments. Over the years, we have been focusing on the business of electrochemical analysis instruments and water quality analysis instruments. After eighty years of hard work, we have gradually developed into one of the largest scientific instrument companies in China and a leading enterprise in the field of electrochemical analysis instruments. We integrate scientific instrument research and development, production, sales, application, integration, and service. "Leici" focuses on water quality analysis. Our product range includes electrochemical analysis instruments, electrochemical sensors, titrators/moisture analyzers, colorimetric water quality analyzers, online water quality monitors, chemical reagents, and system integration. These products are widely used in environmental protection, municipal water management, public health and disease prevention, food and pharmaceutical industries, education and scientific research, petrochemicals, nuclear power, third-party testing, and other fields. Our mission is to "improve people's quality of life by providing high-tech analytical instruments and quality services." We adhere to the core values of "integrity, pragmatism, innovation, excellence, cooperation, and long-term development." With a focus on innovation and pursuit of excellence, we strive to become a leading scientific instrument manufacturer and provider of monitoring traceability system solutions and operation services.
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