LANBAOFUSE was established in 2003. In the same year, our factory in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province started production. In 2005, the factory in Changzhou, Suzhou was established. In 2010, Shenzhen LANBAOFUSE sales company was established, and in 2011, the Korean branch, DongWoo LB Fuse, was established. Our company specializes in the research and development, production, and sales of current sensing resistors and circuit protectors. We have numerous patented products and are a globally renowned manufacturer of circuit protectors.
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Eskertzen dugu Chipsmallko produktu eta zerbitzuekin duten konpromisoa. Axola zaigu zure iritzia! Mesedez, har iezadazu une bat hurrengo formularioa osatzeko. Bere iruzkin baliotsuek bermatzen dute merezi duen aparteko zerbitzua etengabe eskaintzen dugula. Eskerrik asko bikaintasunerako gure bidaiaren parte izateagatik.