KTP was founded in 2012 in Taiwan, China. It is a national-level high-tech enterprise and an intellectual property-standardized company. In order to better serve our partners in the Asia-Pacific region, we established the Asia-Pacific headquarters, Guangdong KTP Semiconductor Co., Ltd., in Shenzhen in 2023. We also have an office in Hong Kong. KTP is a semiconductor integrated circuit design company specializing in the design of industrial and automotive-grade advanced power device chips. We have comprehensive expertise in the design, process, and packaging of diodes, thyristors, MOSFETs, IGBTs, and optocouplers. Our proprietary patented technologies have significantly improved the design capabilities of high-end power semiconductors in China and enhanced the overall performance of domestic power semiconductor products. We have successfully addressed the "bottleneck" issue of relying on imported high-end power device chips and are actively contributing to the country's major strategic goals. KTP is dedicated to cultivating the market for high-end industrial power supplies. Through independent design, high-end manufacturing, rigorous testing, and automotive-grade reliability evaluations, our products offer high performance, consistency, and reliability. They are widely used in important applications such as new energy vehicles, electric vehicle charging stations, photovoltaic power generation, smart grids, energy storage and portable energy, data centers, 5G communication base stations, and rail transportation. With years of technological research, product accumulation, market testing, and excellent integration capabilities within the industry chain, KTP has become a leading domestic enterprise in the design of high-performance power device chips. We are committed to the development of the new energy economy, addressing major national and social needs, and focusing on the forefront of new energy. By driving enterprise development through technological innovation, we continuously expand our core technological advantages and promote domestic substitution of high-end power device chips. In the future, KTP will continue to exert efforts and further deepen the comprehensive localization of our products.
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