Kiwi Instruments

Kiwi Instruments is a semiconductor company with a team of senior experts and an efficient management team in the field of high-performance analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit research and sales. We have research and development centers and branch offices in Hangzhou, Xiamen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Zhongshan, and other cities. Kiwi Instruments places great importance on the development and protection of intellectual property and holds multiple international and domestic patents in the field of integrated circuits and system applications. Our main products include AC-DC, DC-DC, driver ICs, linear regulators, protection chips, battery management, and more. We provide complete power solutions and system integration for customers in consumer electronics, industrial, communication, and computer fields. Our belief is that technology improves life. We value and utilize talents, prioritize customer satisfaction, and always adhere to the company's philosophy of "unique innovation, user-friendly" approach. As a leader in innovative chip design, we strive to become a globally recognized chip design enterprise.
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