
Jusheng was established in 2017 as a high-tech enterprise that specializes in integrated circuit design and smart communication solutions. Jusheng has a wholly-owned subsidiary called Guangzhou Justech Microelectronics Co., Ltd. and its headquarters is located in the Gaoxin District of Zhuhai, at the GWH No.1 Science and Technology Park. We also have branch offices and offices in Guangzhou, Shunde, and Hangzhou. Our main products include 32-bit touch MCU, low-power MCU, motor driver MCU, general-purpose MCU, 8-bit MCU, LoRa wireless modules, and frequency reduction wireless modules. These products are widely used in various fields such as small household appliances, consumer electronics, medical electronics, motor control, industrial control, sensors, and the Internet of Things. We always prioritize market-oriented approaches and focus on technology, aiming to provide customers with cost-effective chip products and communication solutions. Additionally, we offer professional application development and customized chip services to meet the specific market demands of our customers.
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