
Jointlean is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, sales, and service of electrical connection technology and products. We are dedicated to providing professional electrical connection solutions to create world-leading products for Chinese enterprises. Following the concept of "adhering to international electrical connection technology standards, combining the needs of domestic customers, and providing professional electrical connection solutions for Chinese enterprises," we offer safe and reliable Zhuoneng electrical connection products and solutions in various fields such as the domestic power equipment industry, electric vehicle charging systems, rail transportation, elevator control systems, and new energy generation. Established in 2000, we have set up offices in multiple cities including Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Wuhan, and Ningbo. We have established a nationwide sales network and a comprehensive after-sales service system to provide customers with convenient sales and technical services. Our company has obtained ISO9001 international quality system certification, and we are recognized as a national high-tech enterprise. We are also a benchmark enterprise for integrity construction in the Chinese electrical industry and a director unit of the Relay Protection Branch of the China Electricity Council. As one of the largest connector suppliers in the Chinese power system automation industry, Jointlean's products have passed multiple domestic and international certifications such as UL, CE, and CQC. We hold several national patents and are a leading brand in the China Electrical Industry Association. We provide a wide range of solutions, from new product development to product support and project expansion. Our dream and pursuit as Zhiheng people is to create world-leading products for Chinese enterprises, and our business philosophy is to create value for our customers. We hope that through our efforts, your products will lead the world.
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