
JNcoil is a national high-tech enterprise that specializes in research, development, manufacturing, and sales. Our company has a factory area of over 20,000 square meters and employs more than 300 staff members, with 65% holding a diploma or above. We have taken the lead in introducing advanced production and testing equipment from countries such as the United States and Japan. Currently, we have 30 fully automated production lines and an annual production capacity of 1 billion SMD inductors (including high-frequency inductors, power inductors, coils, transformers, etc.). We have extensive technical experience in high-frequency inductor and coil production. Our products are widely used in fields such as antennas, digital devices, communications, lighting, drones, and automotive electronics. We strictly adhere to the ISO9001 management system and IATF 16949 management system to control production. We sincerely treat every customer and strive to provide the best service.
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