JKSEMI, also known as Jinkai Sheng Electronics, always aims to plan, research, develop, and produce electronic components with international leading technology. Our main products include power protection devices (TVS, ESD, TSS, MOS, SKY, DIODE, TRANSISTOR), and polymer PPTC (PTC, PESD). JKSEMI has established long-term and close partnerships with well-known domestic wafer foundries such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, listed companies, Shanghua, and Xianjin, as well as global renowned packaging and testing factories such as Hua Tian and BYD. We have production bases in Shenzhen and Jiangsu, specializing in two major series of products: power protection devices and polymer materials. Our quality has reached international advanced levels. We have independent intellectual property rights and patent systems, especially for our ultra-low capacitance protection devices, high-resistance polymer PPTC, and overcurrent/overvoltage integrated modules. Our company operates under the ISO9001 and TS16949 systems, and our products comply with international standards such as IEC and FCC. We have also obtained safety and environmental certifications such as UL, VDE, TUV, and SGS.
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