JK was established in 2002. We are a national-level high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, production, and sales of polymer PTC (PPTC). We have a technical background from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shenyang). We have independently developed the JK brand, which includes five series of PPTC resettable fuse products: plug-in, conventional surface mount, low-resistance surface mount, ring, and strip types. We offer nearly 1200 different product models with a voltage range from 6V to 600V. JKPPTC products currently cover various fields in the electronics and electrical appliance industry.
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Eskertzen dugu Chipsmallko produktu eta zerbitzuekin duten konpromisoa. Axola zaigu zure iritzia! Mesedez, har iezadazu une bat hurrengo formularioa osatzeko. Bere iruzkin baliotsuek bermatzen dute merezi duen aparteko zerbitzua etengabe eskaintzen dugula. Eskerrik asko bikaintasunerako gure bidaiaren parte izateagatik.