JCHL is a private enterprise that integrates research and development, production, sales, and distribution agency in the field of electronics. With over ten years of history, we are a professional supplier of electronic components. Our factory is located in Nanyang City, a historical and cultural city in the Central Plains, while our company is based in Shenzhen, the forefront of China's reform and opening-up. We are dedicated to the development, production, and sales of sensitive components and optical components. We have developed a full range of products, including photosensitive resistors, thermistors, photosensors, pyroelectric infrared sensors, infrared sensing ICs, Fresnel lenses, filters, optical lenses, and more. Our products are of excellent quality and complete variety. Adhering to the principle of "Quality First, Customer Supreme," we continuously strive for innovation and progress, aiming to meet the needs of domestic and international customers with quality, integrity, and service.
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