JASN is located in the convenient transportation hub of Changping Town, Dongguan City. We are a company specialized in the research, manufacturing, and sales of network magnetic devices, such as Ethernet filters and POE network filters. Our products are well-received both domestically and internationally, exporting to markets in Europe, America, Southeast Asia, and providing OEM/ODM services to customers worldwide. Our products are known for their complete range, stable performance, high cost-effectiveness, and have received positive feedback from a wide range of customers. They are widely used in network switches, routers, set-top boxes, digital televisions, surveillance equipment, docking stations, smart healthcare, smart homes, and actively developing applications related to the Internet of Things. JASN adheres to the business philosophy of people-oriented, integrity-based, professionalism, and harmonious development. We strive to provide customers with comprehensive solutions and a series of products, becoming their preferred supplier of network magnetic components. We also strive to create a stage for employees to realize their personal value. At the same time, JASN is committed to participating in social welfare activities and doing our utmost to help those in need.
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