HYTEPRO is dedicated to the design, development, production, and sales of magnetic connectors, magnetic data cables, custom PCBA development, USB hubs, USB-C series products, and more. With our extensive experience in product development and customization, as well as strong OEM/ODM capabilities, HytePro continuously strives to create, share, and provide cost-effective products and sincere services to achieve true win-win outcomes with our customers. Founded in 2009, HytePro is located in Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China. With our rich experience and attentive service, we have been recognized as a reliable supplier for many domestic and international buyers. HytePro supports your OEM/ODM projects. To ensure quality, HytePro has over 20 QC members who conduct strict inspections at each stage: incoming material inspection (IQC), in-process inspection (IPQC), and final inspection (FQC). We have also introduced advanced testing equipment, allowing us to produce products that meet international standards. HytePro's products are popular in both domestic and international markets, including North America, Eastern Europe, and South Africa, and have received high praise from customers at home and abroad.
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