HYP, established in 2005, is currently a leading supplier of medium to high-end touch switches and tact switches in China. In 2017, we were recognized as a national-level high-tech enterprise (GR2017442). In just three years since our founding, we successfully filled the domestic production gap for tact switches. By the end of 2008, HYP had replaced Japanese and Korean companies to become the primary supplier of medium to high-end tact switches, capturing over 90% of the market share. Under the leadership of HYP, hundreds of touch switch companies transitioned from the outdated practice of simply assembling imported components to a fully domestic production chain, resulting in cost reductions of over 1 billion RMB for Chinese enterprises. We have since continued to transform and upgrade, achieving self-sufficiency in component processing across our entire product line and implementing full-process automation. We have established a series of rigorous manufacturing processes. Currently, HYP has the capacity to produce 80 million touch switches, 30 million silent silicone switches, and 300 million tact switches per month. Taking the 2x4 touch switch as an example, our daily production capacity is 1.5 million units, and we are continuously expanding both our production capacity and product line.
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