Huituo was established in 2012 and is located in Bao'an District, Shenzhen. We are a high-tech enterprise that specializes in the research, development, manufacturing, sales, and service of intelligent sensors. Our product range includes a full series of thermistor chips, NTC thermistors, PTC thermistors, temperature sensors, varistors, gas discharge tubes, and other sensitive electronic components. Our company has modern standard factories, a complete set of automated production equipment, advanced product testing instruments, a strict quality management system, and a team of professional technical personnel and management staff. We have strong research and development capabilities. Our products are widely used in various industries, including automotive, communication, power, industrial electronic equipment, power supplies, smart home appliances and lighting, consumer electronics, renewable energy, medical equipment, and safety and protection devices. We provide personalized one-stop services from design to production for our customers. In December 2021, we were honored with the title of National High-Tech Enterprise. Our company's mission is to prioritize quality, scientific management, continuous innovation, and customer satisfaction.
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