HASAI is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the development, production, and sales of modular high-frequency switching power supply products. We have gathered a group of technical talents with rich experience in power supply development, excellent corporate management, and marketing talents. With strong technical strength and market experience, we have established our own comprehensive research and development and marketing system, establishing a competitive position in this field and becoming one of the main suppliers of power modules. Our company operates and manages in accordance with the ISO9001 quality system, and some of our product series have passed RoHs and 3C certifications. We adopt high-tech new processes and focus on market orientation. We independently research and develop modular high-frequency switching power supplies, with product power ranging from 0.5W to 800W. Our products include various series of DC-DC power modules and AC-DC power modules. They are widely used in the fields of postal and telecommunication equipment, base stations and user power systems, monitoring systems, railway locomotives, power systems, coal mining equipment, data acquisition, medical equipment, instruments and meters, industrial automation control, aerospace, and more. Our products stand out with superior voltage stabilization performance, high efficiency, low noise, compact size, light weight, and convenient use.
Ekoizkin Inbentarioa Prezio unitarioa Kantitate Fitxatxu RoHS


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