GNT is a high-tech enterprise that specializes in the research, production, and sales of adhesives. Since our establishment, we have gained a reputation for high-quality, precise, and innovative products through continuous innovation and improvement. Our company produces various types of adhesives, including single-component room temperature curing silicone rubber, single-component addition-type heat-curing silicone rubber, UV adhesives, epoxy adhesives, and more. All of our products meet leading domestic standards. Our products are primarily used in industries such as power supply, electronics, LED lighting, photovoltaic solar energy, and new energy vehicles. We offer a wide range of product models to meet the adhesive needs of different customers. Our business covers these industry sectors throughout China, with branches located in South China, the Yangtze River Delta, and Central China to provide convenient service to our customers. We always maintain control over the quality, performance, and service of our products, ensuring that we provide the highest quality products to our customers.
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