
Dianytech is a technology-based enterprise dedicated to customized services for infrared thermal imaging systems. The company has always upheld the philosophy of "accumulating bit by bit and making breakthroughs with accumulated strength," and is committed to providing professional solutions for enterprise customers based on infrared thermal imaging products, which are easy to operate, comprehensive in functionality, and technologically advanced. Since its establishment, the company has cultivated a highly skilled, high-level, professional, and experienced team, serving numerous corporate and government clients, and has received consistent praise from customers. As a professional domestic provider of customized solutions for infrared thermal imaging, our company's main business includes customized product development services and the infrared thermal imaging product family. 1. We can provide customers with products and solutions in machine vision, personal vision, drones, and infrared core modules. 2. We offer integrated solutions for infrared thermal imaging and visible light, combining infrared thermal imaging and visible light to be applied in leak detection for plumbing systems, oil pipeline inspections, and troubleshooting in high-voltage power transmission systems, among others. 3. We provide customized development services, offering personalized infrared thermal imaging software, platform customization, and app development services tailored to the specific needs of different customers.
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