
Delus focuses on the research and production of module power products, mainly including two major series: DC/DC converters and AC/DC converters. The power ranges from 0.1W to 200W. The products are widely used in fields such as coal, fire protection, communication, power systems, instruments, and railway locomotives. Delus module power products have won unanimous praise from customers for their high reliability and cost-effectiveness. The company always puts customer service first, takes it as its responsibility to meet customer needs, assists customers in product design, and develops and customizes the most suitable products for them. The research and development department and the marketing department work together, with every R&D engineer participating in the product sales process, providing professional technical support to our valued customers. The company's motto is to provide customers with high-performance, high-reliability, and low-priced module power products. All members of the Delus company always keep this motto in mind and dedicate our most advanced, reliable, and practical products to our customers through our technology and services.
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