D-CHAIN is a leading international manufacturer of connectors with 15 years of experience. The company has a factory area of 10,000 square meters and has achieved steady growth thanks to the support and love from customers from all walks of life. The product range has expanded from initial card sockets, USB, and battery connectors to include connectors needed for consumer electronics such as laptops, automotive electronics, shared transportation, drones, smart wearables, industrial automation robots, POS machines, smartphones, and security equipment. From product design and development, precision high-speed stamping, and precision plastic injection molding to automated assembly, our factory implements an integrated production process. We also provide design solutions for connectors to synchronize development with our customers. With a strong R&D team, a well-established development management system, and abundant precision processing capabilities for molds and fixtures, our engineering personnel have over 15 years of mold development experience. We have complete experimental equipment and have incorporated the concept of green product design in accordance with EU ROHS and WEEE regulations. We have established green partnerships with customers and suppliers. The company has obtained ISO9001, ISO14001, and TS16949 system certifications. Daqing products are exported to industrialized countries and regions worldwide and have gained a good reputation and recognition from a wide range of customers.
Ekoizkin Inbentarioa Prezio unitarioa Kantitate Fitxatxu RoHS


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