
Cntitle formerly established in 2010 in the Changsha Economic Development Zone, Hunan Province, is a high-tech enterprise that specializes in the independent design, forward research and development of RF coaxial connectors and cable assemblies, as well as providing RF microwave solutions. Our products are widely used in professional equipment for telemetry, remote control, radar, electronic countermeasures, and other fields in the domestic aerospace, aviation, and maritime industries. We have a solid production and operation entity, a well-established organizational structure, strong technical capabilities, advanced manufacturing equipment, and comprehensive testing methods. Our company has obtained ISO9001 quality management system certification. Under our brands "cntitle," we produce more than 30 series and over 2000 varieties of RF coaxial connectors and cable assemblies. Some of our products have been used in national key projects. Our products are exported to the United States, Canada, the Middle East, and other countries, enjoying a certain reputation in the communication industry as high-quality products recommended by our customers. Our product range includes four main categories: SMA, SMB, SMC, MCX, MMCX, BNC, TNC, N, 7/16 (L29), 1.6/5.6 (L9), SSMA, SSMB, SSMC, and 3.5mm, 2.4mm, 2.92mm series millimeter-wave products produced according to IEC and MIL-C-39012 standards. Various types of RF coaxial connectors, microwave antenna assemblies, and cable assemblies produced according to national standards (GB) and industry standards (JS). Adapters, fixed attenuators, termination loads, impedance transformers, and other types of products. Customized RF microwave solutions based on customer requirements.
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