CENKER was established in 2001 as a high-tech enterprise specializing in the independent research, development, and manufacturing of components for energy storage, EMC, voltage boost, and RF applications. Our product line is divided into the X series for consumer products and the A series for automotive applications. Key products include integrated molding, magnetic adhesive, common mode chokes, high-frequency inductors, and wire-wound transformers. Our headquarters is located in Shenzhen, with research and development centers in Shenzhen, Beijing, and Suzhou. We have a global sales network. Our manufacturing center is situated in Binyang County, Nanning City, covering an area of over 100 acres in the Cenke Industrial Park. With a total investment of 500 million yuan, we have built a 100,000 square meter standard production workshop equipped with nearly a thousand units of automated production equipment. Our monthly production capacity for inductors and transformers exceeds 1.2 billion units.
Ekoizkin Inbentarioa Prezio unitarioa Kantitate Fitxatxu RoHS


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