Founded in Shenzhen in 2001, with factories established in Taiwan and a branch office in Kunshan, BRIGHTEK is dedicated to the development, production, and sales of high-quality LED products. We have a complete automated packaging line, advanced testing equipment, and a quality control system that meets international standards. BRIGHTEK adheres to a quality-centric approach and actively cultivates talents in technological innovation. We are committed to providing products and services to both new and existing customers, enhancing our competitiveness in the market. As a company, BRIGHTEK upholds the principle of putting quality first. Our unwavering product quality has been recognized by international manufacturers, and we consistently supply high-quality products. Our products have obtained certifications from various international standards systems, including ISO/TS16949:2009, ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, IECQ HSPM QC080000:2005, Samsung Eco-Partner, and Sony Green Partner. In addition to these certifications, we regularly undergo audits from various international organizations to ensure continuous improvement.
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