Bosi is located in Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province, which is known as one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation, a city with a rich historical and cultural heritage, a globally recognized green city, and one of the cities with the highest sense of happiness in China. Zhejiang Bosi Beichuan Yinzhou Technology Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Siji Bosi Tools Co., Ltd. are leading Chinese brands in the field of independent hardware tools. With a registered capital of 180 million yuan, we have a factory area of 120 acres and a building area of 80,000 square meters. We are a professional hardware tools enterprise that integrates research and development, design, production, testing, warehousing, and logistics. Our company has obtained ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification, and OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system certification.
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