Biwin was established in 2010. We specialize in the research, development, and manufacturing of storage chips. As a national high-tech enterprise and a national-level specialized and innovative "Little Giant" enterprise, we have received strategic investment from the National Big Fund (the second largest shareholder). The company integrates research on storage media characteristics, firmware algorithm development, memory design and simulation, packaging and testing, testing equipment development and algorithm development, brand operation, and more. This allows us to establish a localized integrated business model, with a focus on China and global service. Our storage chip products are widely used in mobile intelligent terminals, PCs, industry terminals, data centers, smart cars, mobile storage, and other information technology fields. We are one of the first memory companies in China to enter the global technology giant supply chain system. With outstanding overall competitiveness, the company has been honored with national-level titles such as "Specialized and Innovative Little Giant Enterprise," "National High-Tech Enterprise," "Top Ten Best Domestic Chip Manufacturers," "Guangdong Province Complex Storage Chip Research and Packaging Testing Engineering Technology Research Center," "Provincial Key IC Project (Biwin Huizhou Science and Technology Park, 2018)," "Well-Known Brand in Shenzhen," and "Customs AEO Advanced Certification Enterprise." Our products have received honors such as the "China IC Design Achievement Award for Best Memory of the Year" and the "Global Electronics Achievement Award for Best Memory of the Year."
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