Guangdong Baijia Baite Industrial Co., Ltd., formerly known as Zhongshan Baijia Financial Equipment Co., Ltd. and Zhongshan Baite Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., was founded in 1988. With a registered capital of 80 million RMB and total assets of over 500 million RMB, we are a national high-tech enterprise in China that integrates research and development, production, sales, and services. We primarily focus on manufacturing financial equipment, including bank service robots, air purification systems, LED displays, lighting, advertising, injection molding, hardware, precision components, lathes, molds, electronic furnaces, and property and hotel services. We are a diversified private enterprise. Currently, our company has over 1,000 employees and more than 50,000 square meters of office and production facilities. We have 10 automated production lines and a complete set of advanced research, production, and testing instruments and equipment. We also have 7 accessory processing plants. Our company is recognized as a "Cooperative Unit for Product Supervision by the Product Identification Center of the Ministry of Public Security of China," a member of the "China Anti-counterfeiting Technology Association," and a member of the "China Lighting Association." We have been awarded the national-level "High-tech Enterprise" and are designated as the "Enterprise Technology Center" and "Engineering Technology Research and Development Center" by the Zhongshan Municipal Government, highlighting our key role in scientific research. We have more than 150 professors, senior engineers, and technical personnel, with a self-production rate of over 95% from research and development to production. Our main products include counterfeit money detectors, banknote counters, currency sorters, coin sorters, paper currency sorters, cash binders, paper bundlers, paper shredders, ID card verifiers, and disinfection sterilizers, with more than 20 different series and over 30 styles of banknote counters alone. We are the leading company in the domestic market, with an annual production capacity of over 150,000 banknote counters and 200,000 counterfeit money detectors.
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