Angel was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is a high-end water purification brand created by Shenzhen Angel Drinking Water Industry Group Co., Ltd. It is also the earliest global brand in China that focuses on the field of drinking water purification. Gong Li, an international actress, has been signed as its global brand ambassador. Currently, Angel's products are sold in 65 countries worldwide. With a focus on the water purification industry for 35 years, Angel developed its first water purifier in 1988. In 1993, they introduced the first water dispenser, which promoted the development of China's drinking water purification industry. In 2008, Angel participated in the formulation of national standards GB/T22090-2008 and GB/T30307-2013. In 2009, they were recognized as a national high-tech enterprise. In 2015, the A6 water purifier became a leader in single-product sales. In 2020, the largest intelligent water purification industry park, covering an area of over 600,000 square meters, was completed, with an annual production capacity of 10 million units of drinking water purification products. In the same year, Angel launched the A7 series, marking the beginning of the era of high-capacity water purifiers. In 2021, they jointly established the China Aerospace Joint Laboratory with China Space Biology. In 2022, Angel released the X-Tech series, a high-end whole-house water purification system, ushering in a new era of quality water purification.
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