AINUO, established in 1993, is located in the land of Qilu and has self-built industrial parks in both Jinan and Qingdao. For nearly 30 years, we have been dedicated to the research, development, and production of various electrical measurement instruments, test power supplies, and specialized power supplies. Our company has always focused on technological innovation and has been honored with national-level high-tech enterprise status, Shandong Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, Shandong Provincial Gazelle Enterprise, Shandong Provincial "Specialized, Refined, Unique, and New" Small and Medium-sized Enterprise, Shandong Provincial "One Enterprise, One Technology" Research and Development Center, and Jinan Special Programmable Power Engineering Laboratory, among others. In addition, Ainuo Instruments has always attached great importance to corporate social responsibility and has served as a member of the Shandong Provincial Defense Science and Technology Industry Association and the Shandong Provincial Aerospace Society. We actively contribute to the development of the corresponding industries. Our core products include comprehensive electrical safety performance testers, AC power supplies, DC power supplies, ground power supplies for aircraft ground static variation, motor comprehensive test systems, power analyzers, and AC/DC electronic loads. They are widely used in the electrical and electronic manufacturing industry, such as new energy, electric vehicles, household appliances, motor coils, and switching power supplies. They are also applied in professional fields such as aerospace, shipbuilding, railways, defense equipment, power, as well as quality inspection and metrology institutions and research institutes. Ainuo products have completely independent intellectual property rights, with over 180 independent intellectual property rights, 16 invention patents, and active participation in the drafting of national standards for electrical safety regulations.
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