AAC Technologies is a leader in perceptual experience solutions, aiming to create the future of sensory experience technology. We prioritize technological innovation and global expansion. With decades of industry experience, we have established strong, long-term, and stable strategic partnerships with domestic and international end customers. Our comprehensive competitiveness lies in the fields of acoustics, optics, haptics, sensors, semiconductors, and precision manufacturing. Our mission at AAC Technologies is to create a better perceptual experience for the world, while our vision is to generate diversified value and become a leader in experience technology. Through continuous innovation in perceptual science, we strive to create various new interactive experiences, injecting new vitality into the industry. In the future, AAC Technologies will continue to make sustained efforts in multiple industries, including smartphones, smart cars, virtual reality, augmented reality, and smart homes, ushering in a new era of perceptual experience. With excellent business performance and leading manufacturing capabilities, we have received prestigious awards in recent years, such as Forbes' "Top 50 Best Listed Companies in the Asia-Pacific Region," Institutional Investor's "Most Respected Company," and APEC's "China Digital Economy Industry Demonstration Sample
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