Green Power

Shanghai GreenPower Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in August 2014. It is located in Zhangjiang Polytechnic, Shanghai, known as "Silicon Valley of China", with registered capital of 10 million RMB. It is an enterprise engaged in the development and sale of power semiconductor products, integrated circuits and computer hardware and software design. The company team is composed of a group of members with rich experience in product design and management who have worked for many years in famous semiconductor companies at home and abroad. The company has established a product line of Trench-MOSFET, Schottky diode, TVS, analog IC, etc. It has a complete R&D, production, logistics, sales and service system. Combining with its own technology and channel advantages, it has established cooperative relations with leading domestic and internationally renowned wafer substation factories and packaging and testing substation factories to form a competitive industrial chain. The products independently developed and manufactured have been widely used in consumer electronics, green lighting, instruments and other fields.

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