China Key System Co., Ltd. (CKS) is a Chinesetechnology company headquartered in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, that designs,develops and manufactures very-large-scale integrated circuits. It was foundedin 2008. By the end of 2015, there are more than 2000 employees of which 70%are engineering and technical personnel including 1 academician of CAE, 30experts enjoying State Council special allowance and over 180 professoratesenior engineers and senior engineers. The company owns a post-doctoralworkstation with strong capacity for scientific researches. CKS has a complete industrial chain of integrated circuit design, manufacturing, testing, packaging, reliability, application support, etc. It has developed China's first ultra-large-scale integrated circuit, and has undertaken more than 500 national key scientific research tasks and won the national award. The project has nearly 200 provincial and ministerial awards. Many of them have filled the domestic gap, improved the localization rate of core components, and made outstanding contributions to the development of various stages of the national microelectronics industry.

CKS Nabarmendutako produktuak





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